Human Resources People Management

(singke) #1

Care of equipment 7 x 1 = 7

To calculate the final weighted score, add each of the category weighted
scores: 16 + 6 + 6 + 7 = 35. Then divide this number by the total number of
categories: 35 ÷ 4 = 8.75 for the total review score.

Modifying or deleting an employee review record

Use the Employee Review window to delete or modify an employee review.
You can modify an employee review record to reflect changes such as a
score or review category notes.

To modify or delete an employee review record:

  1. Open the Employee Review window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee >> Reviews)

  2. Enter or select an employee ID and review date.

  3. Make your changes and choose Save.

  4. To delete an employee review record for the review date that’s
    displayed, choose Delete.

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