Human Resources People Management

(singke) #1


  1. Choose Costs to open the Injury Costs window where you can enter
    cost information associated with the work-related injury or illness. For
    more information, refer to Entering injury cost information on page 214.

  2. Choose Treatment Information to open the Employee Injury -
    Treatment Information window where you can enter treatment
    information for the injury or illness. For more information, refer to
    Adding treatment information to an employee injury/illness record on
    page 211.

Entering injury cost information

Use the Injury Costs window to enter cost information about the
employee’s work-related injury.

To enter injury cost information:

  1. Open the Employee Injury window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee >> Injury/Illness)

  2. Choose Costs to open the Injury Costs window.

  3. Enter the invoice number and all the costs associated with the injury or
    illness in the costs fields.

  4. Enter the treatment date and type and doctor comments about the
    injury or illness.

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