Human Resources People Management

(singke) #1


To modify or delete an employee termination

  1. Open the Termination Checklist window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee >> Termination)

  2. Enter or select an employee ID and select a termination name.

  3. Make your changes to the termination checklist items and choose Save.

  4. To delete a termination record, choose Delete.

Completing an employee’s termination record....................................................................

Use the Termination Checklist window to complete an employee’s
termination record. You can complete the termination checklist when
you’ve finished all of the checklist items. You also can enter the employee’s
last day worked and termination date. These dates will be displayed in the
Employee Maintenance window.

To complete an employee’s termination record:

  1. Open the Termination Checklist window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee >> Termination)

  2. Enter or select an employee ID.

  3. Select a termination name and enter the date the employee’s
    termination checklist was completed in the End Date field.

  4. Enter the Last Day Worked and mark Rehire if the employee is eligible
    to be rehired by the company. The Last Day Worked also will be
    displayed in the Last Day Worked field in the Employee Maintenance

  5. Enter the date the employee’s benefits expire and the termination date.
    The Termination Date also will be displayed in the Last Day Worked
    field in the Employee Maintenance window.

  6. Choose Save.

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