Human Resources People Management

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Chapter 35: Inquiries...................................................................................................

Tracking employee information is an important part of your computerized
human resources system. You can use the Human Resources inquiry
windows to view important information about employees, their benefits
and other historical data.

This information is divided into the following sections:

  • Viewing employee information

  • Viewing operating procedures

  • Viewing an employee combined history record

  • Viewing redlined status information

  • Viewing benefit and deduction information

Viewing employee information

Use the Employee Inquiry window to view demographic and other
information you’ve entered for a particular employee. This window
displays personal information such as name, Social Security number, tax
filing status, and demographic information such as addresses, phone
numbers, and postal codes.

You also can view employment information such as status, department,
position, wages and user-defined information that is defined in the Payroll
Setup Options window.
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