Human Resources People Management

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Chapter 36: Reports.....................................................................................................

You can use Human Resources reports to analyze activity, track changes
and view applicant and employee information. For example, the benefit
reports display information such as beneficiaries, history and enrollment.
The applicant reports display detailed applicant information such as
applicant test scores, work history and interview notes. Use the information
in this chapter to guide you through printing reports and working with
report options and report groups.

You can modify the reports provided with Human Resources using Report Writer.
Print the report to the screen, then choose Tools >> Customize >> Modify Current

Reports information is divided into the following sections:

  • Using the online sample reports

  • Human Resources report summary

  • Report destinations and formats

  • Processing reports on a process server

  • Creating a report option

  • Printing a report with an option

  • Customizing a report

Using the online sample reports

For detailed information about specific Human Resources reports, choose
Help >> Sample Reports to view the online sample reports. The online
sample reports contain illustrations and specifications of reports in
Dynamics, as well as directions for printing the reports.

The online sample reports also list the technical names of the reports and
the tables from which information is extracted, which you might need to
know to customize reports using Report Writer. For more information
about Report Writer, refer to Customizing a report on page 260.

Human Resources report summary

You can print several types of reports using Human Resources. You can
choose to print some reports during procedures; for example, you can print
the Employee Orientation Checklist - Detail report when entering employee
orientation information by choosing the Print button in the Orientation
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