Human Resources People Management

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space and replaces the original table with the copy. The information in the
tables you shrink won’t be affected in any way—only the unused space will
be removed.

To shrink a Human Resources table:

  1. Make a system backup.

  2. Check the amount of space available on your hard disk.

You must have an amount of free space on your hard disk equal to the
size of the table you’re shrinking.

If you’re using a Novell network, you’ll need to have free space that equals
twice the size of the table you’re shrinking.

Human Resources tables have three names—a physical name, a display
name and a technical name. Since you must check the size of a table at
the operating system level, you’ll need to know the physical name of
the table you want to shrink. Choose Tools >> Resource Descriptions
>> Tables to view table descriptions.

  1. Be sure that no other users are using Human Resources while you are
    shrinking tables.

To view which users are in the Human Resources system and where,
choose Setup >> System >> User Activity.
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