Human Resources People Management

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  1. Select the relationship of the dependent to the employee and enter any

The comments field for the “self” dependent will display the phrase “Used for

  1. Enter the dependent’s Social Security number, gender and date of birth.

  2. Mark Full Time Student if the dependent is a full-time student.

  3. Enter the dependent’s phone numbers and address.

  4. Choose Save or the insert icon button.

  5. Repeat Steps 3 through 8 until you’ve defined each of this employee’s

Modifying or deleting an employee dependent record

Use the Employee Dependents window to modify or delete an employee
dependent record.

To modify or delete an employee dependent record:

  1. Open the Employee Dependents window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee >> Dependents)

  2. Enter or select an employee ID.

  3. Select the dependent record and choose the select icon button.

  4. Make your changes as needed and choose Save or the insert icon

  5. To delete an employee dependent record, choose Delete.

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