Machine Drawing

(avery) #1

x Machine Drawing

The principles of working, place of application and method of assembly of all the machine

elements dealt with in the book will make the student thorough with the subject of mechanical

engineering in general. This will also make the student understand what he is drawing instead

of making the drawings mechanically.

This book is intended as a text book for all mechanical engineering students, both at

degree and diploma level and also students of AMIE. The contents of the book are planned,

after thoroughly referring the syllabi requirements of various Indian universities and AMlE


The chapter on Jigs and Fixtures is intended to familiarise the students, with certain

production facilities required for accurate machining/fabrication in mass production.

The chapters on Limits, Tolerances and Fits and Surface Roughness are intended to

correlate drawing to production. In this, sufficient stress is given to geometrical tolerances

which is not found in any of the textbooks on the topic. The student, to understand production

drawings, must be thorough in these topics.

The chapter on Blue Print Reading has been included to train the student to read and

understand complicated drawings, including production drawings. This will be of immense use

to him, later in his career.

Chapters on Assembly Drawings and Part Drawings are planned with a large number of

exercises drawn from wide range of topics of mechanical engineering. The assemblies are selected

such that they can be practiced in the available time in the class. The projects like lathe gear

box and automobile gear box are developed and included in the chapter on part drawings.

These are mentioned in most of the latest syllabi but not found in any of the available books on

the subject.

A separate chapter on Production Drawings has been included, to train the student in

industrial draughting practices. These types of drawings only guide the artisan on the shop

floor to the chief design engineer, in successful production of the product.

We hope that this book will meet all the requirements of the students in the subject and

also make the subject more interesting.

Any suggestions and contribution from the teachers and other users, to improve the

content of the text are most welcome.


August, 1994 AUTHORS

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