Machine Drawing

(avery) #1

202 Machine Drawing


replacement. The replacement is simplified by making the outside diameter of the bush,

precision location fit (h6). The bush can then be assembled manually without a press. The

renewable bush must be prevented from rotation and axial movement. This is accomplished by

the provision of a flat surface on the collar (Fig. 14.2b). The shoulder screw prevents the bush

from getting lifted with the cutting tool. Slip Bushes

When a hole in the work piece requires two operations such as drilling and reaming, it is

necessary to use two different guide bushes for different tools. The hole is first drilled using a

bush having bore suitable for drill. After drilling, the drill bush is removed and a reaming bush

is used to guide the reamer. For mass production, quick change is accomplished by the provision

of slip bushes (Fig. 14.2c). There are many variations of slip bushes.

a-Press fit bush

screw Slip bush

Liner bush

to release
slip bush

drill rotation

b-Renewable bush c-Slip bush

Fig. 14.2 Types of bushes

1 Special Bushes

Some work pieces or operations require unusual types of bushes which may involve simple

modification of standard bushes. A twist drill tends to slide down inclines and curves; causing

bending and breakage of drill. This problem can be overcome by altering the shape of the drill

bush to provide better support and resistance against bending as shown in Fig. 14.3.

(a) (b)

Fig. 14.3 Special bushes
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