Machine Drawing

(avery) #1

Principles of Drawing 17

d:\N-Design\Des2-1.pm5 Seventh Print

Table 2.5B Axis lines

Instructions Correct Incorrect

Axis line starts and
ends with a longer dash

Two axes intersect
with longer dashes

Axis extends the
boundary with a longer dash

2.4.3 Termination of Leader Lines

A leader is a line referring to a feature (dimension, object, outline, etc.).

Leader lines should terminate (Fig. 2.7),

(a) with a dot, if they end within the outlines of an object,

(b) with an arrow head, if they end on the outline of an object,

(c) without dot or arrow head, if they end on a dimension line.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2.7 Termination of leader lines

It is common practice to omit hidden lines in an assembled view, when their use tends to

confuse an already complex drawing or when the feature is sufficiently clear in another view;

but it is not advisable for a beginner to do the same and he will have to show the hidden lines

in his drawing practice.

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