Machine Drawing

(avery) #1

50 Machine Drawing

d:\N-Design\Des3-1.pm5 Seventh Print

3.8 Development of Missing Views

When two views of an object are given, the third view may be developed by the use of a mitre


3.8.1 To Construct the View from the Left, from the Two Given Views

Construction (Fig. 3.15)

1. Draw the views from the front and above.

2. Draw the projection lines to the right of the view from above.

3. Decide the distance, D from the view from the front at which, the side view is to be


4. Construct a mitre line at 45°.

5. From the points of intersection between the mitre line and the projection lines, draw

vertical projection lines.

6. Draw the horizontal projection lines from the view from the front to intersect the

above lines. The figure obtained by joining the points of intersection in the order is the required


Figure 3.16 shows the steps to be followed in constructing the view from above of an

object, from the given views from the front and left.

NOTE These exercises are aimed at improving the practice in reading and developing

the imagination of the student.










Fig. 3.15 Construction of the view from the left Fig. 3.16 Construction of the view from above

3.9 Spacing the Views

The views of a given object must be positioned on the drawing sheet so as to give a good and

balanced appearance. Keeping in view, (i) number of views, (ii) scale and (iii) space between

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