Computer Aided Engineering Design

(backadmin) #1


Hint: One may express nu and nv as respective linear combinations of ru and rv, that is,
nu = c 1 ru + c 2 rv
nv = d 1 ru + d 2 rv
wherec 1 ,c 2 ,d 1 and d 2 are scalars. Taking dot product of the above with ru and rv would yield the values of
c 1 ,c 2 ,d 1 and d 2 in terms of L,M and N. Elimination of the scalars leads to the Weingarten equations. To get
the third relation, consider the vector product of Weingarten relations and simplify.

  1. Show that (nu×nv) = Kru×rv where K is the Gaussian curvature.

  2. Show that the following surfaces are not developable.

r(u,v) = u cos vi + u sin vj + sin nvk
r(u,v) = ui + vj + uvk
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