Computer Aided Engineering Design

(backadmin) #1

  1. In a recursive process, cell splitting is performed such that each cell contains at most one contour
    point. Thus, for a fine mesh around a contour, the latter should be approximated using more nodes
    to have many children cells encompassing the contour. This, in a way, serves to control the
    element size around a contour.

  2. Once splitting is over, each cell can be analyzed as follows:

(a) External cell: Any cell not within the domain and also not containing any segment of the
contour is not of interest and is eliminated

Figure A1.7 Triangulation using the quadtree approach (a) a quadtree grid including the domain such
that at most one contour point lies on or within a cell (b) patterns 0,... ,5 for cells with the
intermediary points and their discretization schemes (c) internal cells intersecting with
contour (dark lines) and discretization based on how the contour point is located and which
region within the cell is inside the domain



βββββ γγγγγ

Intermediary points
A quadtree cell
Contour points

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