Computer Aided Engineering Design

(backadmin) #1

Project 6

Design a wine glass and a speed breaker bump surface as shown in Figures P2 and P3 using the code
developed in Project 5 and show 3D display.

Figure P2 A B-spline and the wine glass generated by revolving the same about Y-axis. The curve is a
cubic uniform B-spline with 8 control points. Assume suitable locations for them.

Project 7

Create a software to design two cubic Bézier curves and later specify the required continuity to get
the final blended shape. The user should be able to design the curves by providing the location of
control points (control polyline) preferably by mouse and not by entering the values through key.
Once the curves are created, the user specifies the required continuity for blending [C^0 (position
continuity), C^1 (tangent continuity) or C^2 (curvature continuity)]. Let the curves be A and B. Keeping
the curve A as the reference, modify curve B such that curve B blends with curve A with the required
continuity. Now measure the positional difference on curve B before and after blending and plot the
difference as a function of the parameter u. An illustrative example on Bézier curves is shown in
Figure P4 to give an idea of what may be expected as an out come.

Figure P3 Cross section profile and the corresponding sweep surface. Input parameters for the cross
section profile are (w,h and q). First find the position vectors r 0 , r 1 ,r 2 and r 3 and then proceed.

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