Magic Motivation

(Steven Felgate) #1

once a week to discuss problems you’re experiencing with the studies. All these are
opportunities to make new friends. You may find those bonds formed during
studying last a lifetime.

Once you realise that getting the degree gives you congruence with your top values,
it will be much easier to study. Remind yourself of the ways it is enriching your life by
meeting your values. Include these images in your visualisation when you wake in
the mornings. Studying for a degree will make more sense to you now.

Journal work
How can you use the knowledge of your values to motivate yourself
to achieve your goals? In what ways are you compromising your
values by NOT taking action?

Write down a goal of yours. Write down two or three ways that
achieving that goal will be congruent with your top five values. What
resources (internal and external) do you need in order to achieve
your goal? Are all of these at your disposal? What can be done to get
all of these resources on board?

Working with your value system is a life-long study. This is because values can
change as you grow and mature. Some core values will stay the same; others may
change as you mature. For instance, a person in their twenties may value success
and integrity. By the time they are in their fifties they may value giving back to
society over and above success at work, but integrity will probably still rank highly.

Keeping in mind that every person has a different set of values, the table below
indicates the general values for different age groups that exist today. The different
values arise from the different experiences that each generation has gone through.

Age group Values

Over 55 Privacy, hard work, trust, formality, authority, order, possessions
35 – 55 Competition, change, hard work, success, body language, teamwork,
anti-rules and -regulations, fighting for a cause
25 - 35 Entrepreneurial spirit, independence, creativity, information,
feedback, flexibility, quality of life
0 - 25 Positive reinforcement, autonomy, positive attitudes, diversity,
money, technology
It may seem like a lot of work to discover your values but it’s worth it. There are
numerous benefits associated with knowing your unique value system. It’s much

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