Magic Motivation

(Steven Felgate) #1

This is all very well. On the flip side: how are your thoughts and attitudes
influencing others?

When people are negatively affected by your attitude, they want to spend less time
in your company. They also have a pessimistic picture of you in their minds. When
people feel good after being in your company, they naturally want to spend more
time with you. They also have a constructive picture of you in their heads. This is also
true of people very close to you. Think about your family. How do they feel when
they walk out the door in the morning? How do they feel when they go to bed after
spending a few hours with you?

While you are NOT responsible for the thoughts and attitudes of others, you
certainly can have an INFLUENCE over them – that’s what resonance is all about! You
are, however, responsible for your OWN thoughts and actions, and these have an
impact on the people around you. The greatest gift you can give to others is to
ensure that your tuning fork is vibrating in a way that improves the mental state of
others. You don’t have to do this, of course. Be aware, though, that your influence
on the world around you can either be constructive OR destructive. The choice is
yours. The universe tends to reflect back at you what you put into life anyway.

Journal work
Think about an area of your life that’s not working. Describe your
attitude towards life in this area. What would the right mental
attitude be for you to achieve success in this area? Describe in detail.
What small steps can you take today to begin changing this?

How can attitude be changed?
Attitude changes when your perceptions change. A person with a negative mental
attitude probably believes things like:

 I’m useless.
 I’m worthless.
 I’ll never be a success.
 People don’t like me.

If you believe that people don’t like you, it will affect your attitude towards them:
you may not trust them; you’re unlikely to be friendly and certainly won’t be too
willing to open up. People who have this view will have a picture in their mind of you

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