Magic Motivation

(Steven Felgate) #1
Journal work
Now think about your life again. This time, think of what you really
enjoy? What do you love about your life? Write down 10 things.
When you’re done, picture those as vividly as possible in your mind.
Ask yourself:

 What feelings am I experiencing?
 Where in my body do I feel them?
 How does it affect me when I experience these 10 things?

Notice how much better you feel when you focus on things you enjoy as opposed to
things you dislike. Where does your focus lie in your day to day life? This will give
you some understanding of your general emotional state. If you usually feel down,
negative and unhappy, perhaps your focus is in the wrong place.

Quantum physics teaches us that nature/life continually strives to be in balance:
happy things will happen to you AND dreadful things too. Sometimes you’ll win and
sometimes you’ll lose. That’s life.

The difference between being happy or sad is where your focus lies. If your focus is
on what’s wrong, you’ll only notice and register the negatives; you’ll spend your time
thinking about how bad life is, and so it will be.

If your focus is on what’s right, you’ll pick up on the good things and those that bring
you pleasure. You’ll register what’s working in your life, and your world will feel good
and right – and so it will be.

If you’re wondering why you married your spouse, or why you’re working where you
are, try changing your focus onto what’s right in each case.

Spend one month looking for what’s right in your life. Start by writing
down one thing that’s right with your situation. The next day, look for
two things, the next, three etc. Do this for a whole month and see
where it takes you...

Remember every situation/person has ‘good’ and ‘bad’ characteristics – choose your
focus and raise your awareness of how your feelings of wellbeing are affected by

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