Magic Motivation
Key ideas
Nurture your relationships and they’ll grow well.
When something goes wrong in a relationship, decide what went
to fix it.
Both parties contribute to the state of a relationship.
Blame has no positive effect at all.
Blaming others affects your motivation levels negatively.
Remember that you have absolutely no control over anyone else
so when you blame someone else, you cannot have any power
over the situation.
Having no power to change something will affect your motivation
levels negatively.
The real truth is that you are choosing to be in a position where
you have no power.
Learn to acknowledge your role in creating the situation. Only
when you can acknowledge your part in it, can you start making
permanent shifts.
When you feel empowered, motivation comes to you.
Look at what you’re putting into your world.
The universe is like a mirror – it reflects back at you what you are
putting into your life.
YOU are the constant in your world.
If things aren’t working, look inside yourself and change how you
are being in the world.
You have enormous power to create the world the way you want
it to be – you do this by being accountable for your input into it.
A person with low self-esteem will find it extremely difficult to be