Curriculum Guide
Advanced Placement Calculus Page 1
Advanced Placement Calculus
- Successful completion of Honors Elementary Analysis
- Be in compliance with the SSD Honors and AP Criteria Policy
Advanced Placement Calculus is the highest level mathematics course offered by the Scranton School District. It is very rigorous and taught at the
college level. Topics covered in this course include analytic geometry, limits of functions, differentiation and integration of functions, and applications of
differentiation and integration.
The Advanced Placement Calculus course prepares students to take the Advanced Placement Calculus Examination in May of their senior year, thus
affording these students with the opportunity to do college level work and earn college credit while still in high school. This course will challenge even
the most capable of mathematical minds. The work covered in this course will help the student develop analytical reasoning skills and disciplined study
habits necessary for success in college. Students pursuing college majors requiring advanced mathematics courses will benefit from this advanced
mathematics training.
Since the content of the Advanced Placement Calculus AB course is beyond the scope of Common Core, the Collegeboard Curriculum Framework 2016-
2017 document was used as a guide to write this curriculum.