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Curriculum Guide

Pre-Algebra Page 13

Linear Equations in One

7.EE.4 Use variables to represent
quantities in real-world or
mathematical problem
and construct simple
equations and inequalities
to solve by reasoning
about the quantities.

Glencoe Math Accelerated
Chapter 7 and Glencoe Math
Larson Pre Algebra Chapter
2.2-2.6 and Larson Pre
Algebra Chapter 3

5 days

Linear Equations in One

7.EE.4a Solve word problems
leading to equations of
the form px+q = r and
p(x+q)=r where p,q, and r
are specific rational
numbers. Solve equations
of this form fluently.
Compare an algebraic
solution to an arithmetic
solution, identifying the
sequence of the
operations used in each

Glencoe Math Accelerated
Chapter 7 and Glencoe Math
Accelerated 8
Larson Pre Algebra Chapter
2.2-2.6 and Larson Pre
Algebra Chapter 3

5 days

Linear Equations in One

8.EE.7b Solve linear equations
with rational number
coefficients, including
equations whose solutions
require expanding
expressions using the
distributive property and
collecting like terms.

Glencoe Math Accelerated
Chapter 7 and Glencoe Math
Accelerated 8
Larson Pre Algebra Chapter
2.2-2.6 and Larson Pre
Algebra Chapter 3

5 days
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