(Ron) #1


When the plan book had been completed, it contained nearly fifty pages of
beautifully typed, properly organized information, telling the story of her son's
native ability, schooling, personal experiences, and a great variety of other
information too extensive for description. The plan book also contained a complete
description of the position her son desired, together with a marvelous word picture of
the exact plan he would use in filling the position.

The preparation of the plan book required several week's labor, during which time
its creator sent her son to the public library almost daily, to procure data needed in
selling his services to best advantage. She sent him, also to all the competitors of
his prospective employer, and gathered from them vital information concerning their
business methods which was of great value in the formation of the plan he intended to
use in filling the position he sought. When the plan had been finished, it contained
more than half a dozen very fine suggestions for the use and benefit of the
prospective employer. (The suggestions were put into use by the company).

One may be inclined to ask, "Why go to all this trouble to secure a job?"
The answer is straight to the point, also it is dramatic, because it deals with a
subject which assumes the proportion of a tragedy with millions of men and women
whose sole source of income is personal services.

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