(Ron) #1
dreams into physical realities. They lead, also, to the mastery of FEAR,

There is a magnificent reward for all who learn to take these four steps. It is
the privilege of writing one's own ticket, and of making Life yield whatever price is

I have no way of knowing the facts, but I venture to conjecture that Mrs. Wallis
Simpson's great love for a man was not accidental, nor the result of favorable "breaks"
alone. There was a burning desire, and careful searching at every step of the way. Her
first duty was to love. What is the greatest thing on earth? The Master called it love-
not man made rules, criticism, bitterness, slander, or political "marriages," but

She knew what she wanted, not after she met the Prince of Wales, but long
before that. Twice when she had failed to find it, she had the courage to continue her
search. "To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou
canst not then be false to any man."

Her rise from obscurity was of the slow, progressive, PERSISTENT
order, but it was SURE! She triumphed over unbelievably long odds; and, no matter

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