(Ron) #1

The emotions of love and sex leave their unmistakable marks upon the features.
Moreover, these signs are so visible, that all who wish may read them. The man who
is driven by the storm of passion, based upon sex desires alone, plainly advertises
that fact to the entire world, by the expression of his eyes, and the lines of his face.
The emotion of love, when mixed with the emotion of sex, softens, modifies, and
beautifies the facial expression. No character analyst is needed to tell you this— you
may observe it for yourself.

The emotion of love brings out, and develops, the artistic and the aesthetic
nature of man. It leaves its impress upon one's very soul, even after the fire has
been subdued by time and circumstance.

Memories of love never pass. They linger, guide, and influence long after the
source of stimulation has faded. There is nothing new in this. Every person, who has
been moved by GENUINE LOVE, knows that it leaves enduring traces upon the human
heart. The effect of love endures, because love is spiritual in nature. The man who
cannot be stimulated to great heights of achievement by love, is hopeless-he is dead,
though he may seem to live.

Even the memories of love are sufficient to lift one to a higher plane of creative
effort. The major force of love may spend itself and pass away, like a fire which has
burned itself out, but it leaves behind indelible marks as evidence that it passed

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