Typography Graphic Design Thesaurus

(Michael S) #1


If desired, classification notations for languages may be constructed by appending a

slash (‘+’) and the corresponding three-letter Ethnologue code to the classification nota-

tion C.79.9, corresponding to the guide term .

Classification notations for language families and other language groups may be con-

structed by a similar process from the base notations C.79.3.3 and C.79.3.5, respectively.

No recommendation for constructing classification notations for language families or

groups is possible, since no appropriate standard is yet available.


[Xhosa (language) ] C.79.9+xho
[American sign language] C.79.9+ase
[Iroquoian languages] C.79.3.3+
[Artificial languages] C.79.3.5+

Writing systems

Writing systems that do not appear in the thesaurus may be used as identifiers, though it

is best to request an addition to the thesaurus when doing so. The common name for the

writing system is used; the qualifier ‘writing system’ should be added if the name does not

end in a word such as ‘alphabet’ or ‘script’. If no commonly accepted name exists for the

writing system, the qualifier ‘(writing system)’ should be added to the name of the lan-

guage most commonly associated with the it.

The classification notation C.44.90+ should be used for identifiers for writing systems

not already found in the TGDT; no known standard is available for the addition of an



[Klingon alphabet ] C.44.90+


When constructing an identifier for a computer application or other software, do not dis-

tinguish between operating systems, applications, and other software. Because of corpo-

rate mergers and acquisitions, different versions of a single software package may be

developed by different companies, so the company name should be used only when nec-


The base notation C.27.62.9 may be used for classifying software products; because

there is no suitable source of software classifications, no further extension may be added.

Computer fonts should be treated as described under Typefaces above, not as soft-


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