Typography Graphic Design Thesaurus

(Michael S) #1


W. Created Works

Terms in the Created Works facet designate the products of human creative and intellec-

tual endeavor – graphic novels, bookplates, shopping bags, and so on.


The TGDT per se consists of two listings:

¶ A systematic listing in outline form of the terms in each of the nine facets, showing

the hierarchical relations among terms.

¶ An alphabetic listing of preferred and lead-in terms containing detailed information

on the scope of terms and their relations – both hierarchical and non-hierarchical – to

other terms.

Systematic listing

Each entry (or ‘node’) in the systematic listing is either a preferred or guide term, pre

ceded by its classification number.

Although the database from which these listings are compiled contains alternate

forms of preferred terms (for example, the term labor relations has the alternative form

‘labour relations’), these are not included in this first edition of the TGDT.

Figure 1 shows an excerpt from the systematic listing of the Places Facet. The clas-

sification notation for each term is arranged along the left side of the page; dotted indents

are used before each term to indicate its position within the hierarchy. Preferred terms are

shown in boldface and guide terms in italics within angled brackets.

L.60 schools
L.60.10. <schools by education level >
L.60.10.10.. <colleges and universities >
L. colleges
L. community colleges
L. junior colleges
L. universities
L.60.10.29.. elementary schools
L.60.10.42.. high schools
L.60.10.55.. junior high schools
L.60.10.68.. middle schools

Figure 1. Systematic listing.

The systematic listings begin on page 13.

Alphabetic listing

A more complete record of terms is given in the alphabetic listing, in which each term is

listed with its classification notation, scope notes (if any), and any related terms. This

listing includes both preferred and non-preferred (lead-in) terms; the former appear in

boldface. The following abbreviations are used:

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