CL = classification USE = use instead UF = used for SN = scope note 87
floating figures
USE figures (illustrations)
USE figures (illustrations)
floppy disks
CL C. 21. 44. 10. 4
BT <magnetic storage me-
dia >
RT floppy drives
floppy drives
CL O. 3. 5. 44. 15. 3. 3. 20
BT data storage devices
RT floppy disks
CL V. 19. 21. 24. 69. 4
BT ornaments
flow diagram
USE flowcharts
CL V. 19. 21. 44. 4. 3. 41
UF flow diagram
flush and hang
USE hanging indents
flush and hung
USE hanging indents
flush left
USE ragged right
flush left and right
USE justified
flush right
USE ragged left
flush space
CL V. 10. 84. 5. 24
flutter folds
CL O. 3. 3. 73. 58. 10. 49
CL W. 10. 48
BT <components of a created
work >
USE front matter
USE footnotes
foldout books
CL W. 23. 19. 20. 81. 4
BT three-dimensional
folios (typography)
USE page numbers
folk tales
CL W. 36. 30
BT <created works by genre >
font classifications
USE typeface classifications
font editors
CL C. 27. 62. 4. 37
BT <software by function >
font embedding
CL C. 49. 43
UF embedded fonts
BT <transformations of in-
formation >
font families
USE type families
font management software
CL C. 27. 62. 4. 44
UF font managers
BT <software by function >
font managers
USE font management soft-
font metrics
CL P. 5. 64. 59. 17. 10. 46
BT <type dimensions >
font smoothing
USE anti-aliasing
USE typefaces
foot (type)
CL O. 3. 5. 77. 10. 28
BT <parts of a unit of type >
foot folios
CL V. 28. 49. 56
BT page numbers
foot margins
USE bottom margins
foot trim
CL P. 5. 64. 59. 10. 77. 26
BT trim (measure)
USE running feet
footnote calls
USE reference marks
CL V. 47. 35. 35
BT <textual elements by
function >
for position only
USE position prints
CL P. 5. 35. 39. 38. 4. 38. 4
BT justified
fore edge
CL O. 3. 5. 21. 35
BT <parts of a book >
CL W. 10. 53. 40
BT front matter
CL W. 55. 4
BT <created works by social
context >
form letters
CL W. 29. 14. 21. 46
BT correspondence
formatting codes
CL C. 27. 10. 41
BT <representations of data >
forward slash
USE virgule
foul copy
CL W. 62. 67. 30
SN Superseded proofs
UF foul proofs
BT proofs
foul proofs
USE foul copy
CL E. 5. 55. 4
BT institutions