Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

body, known as the subtle body (which I call the
“imaginal world”).
Once again I knew what Robert experienced when
he felt distracted; his main attention was always on his
immortal sense of Self, the ‘I Am’; and understanding
this, one realizes that one is even beyond ‘I Am’: a
total mystery, standing alone, immaculate, complete.
This understanding cannot be experienced or known by
mind in any way. Mind and intellect cannot touch it or
describe this heart of the heart. Therefore one is left
just experiencing the majesty of one’s own Self!
Note: I want to make clear that this powerful
incandescent and arising of the ‘I Am’, still occurs
within me. What I am includes that radiant 'I Am' but I
am actually much larger than that. It arises within me,
but I have no features, no characteristics, and no
words. I am utterly a mystery, unfathomable, silent,
Toda I want to make clear that this powerful
incandescent and arisingy I am lost in the Self! Such
happiness! Enraptured in the bliss of Self. Yet, even as
I worship the Self I recognize I am entirely beyond my
Beloved. When it comes to ‘Amness’ - ‘I am that I
Am’; but when I move beyond knowledge of existence,
or the darkness of unknowing, resting only in silence,
my nature has no character, no handle, and no name.

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