Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Of Energies, Ecstasies and Orgasms..............................................

Many of the readers of my blog or Facebook have
noted that several students are continuously speaking
of energies they feel, currents traveling through their
body or sense of presence. Sometimes the energies are
extremely pleasurable, turning into bliss as the
currents move, and then into ecstasies once the
movements stop and the body/presence becomes
The most common experience with these energies
are intense feelings of love and orgasms in women,
either of the genital sort, or most often felt in the
heart. Then the orgasms spread to the entire body
and become so intense that one feels they are going to
explode. This happens as the body comes alive through
abiding lovingly in the ‘I Am’, or loving another while
on the path. Those who hitherto dwelled in their heads
are now becoming intimately aware of the aliveness of
their bodies and sense of presence.
These energies have a million manifestations and
are always accompanied by feeling ecstatic love and
grace at some point. One just wants to surrender to
God or guru or to another person who is an external
representation of your own Self.

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