Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

pleasure, love and peace, to outrage, hate and
destructive breaking. It is as if you had become two
years old again.
So, what do these ecstatic states mean? Why are
they there? What is to be done with them?
First, you have to recognize they do not happen to
all people. Really, only a subset of highly emotional
and sensitive people encounter all these experiences
during their Sadhana. These people often are healers
and empaths, highly sensitive already to their inner
states and the inner states of others. Also, they occur
far more often in women than in men.
Often too, these people have had “broken”
childhoods that have left “fissures” in their personality
structures that allow easy access to unconscious
movements in the “Id,” the pre-egoic unconsciousness.
Secondly, you need to recognize that the ecstasies
are always there, but when you begin practice, either
by going deep inside and finding, then loving your
sense of self, or by loving someone else as an object-
substitute for your own Self, maybe for the first time,
your attention, your energy leaves your brain and
thinking, and you become aware of these energies that
are always there and moving and “playing” within you.

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