Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

presence, triples the benefits of just turning within
and focusing on the ‘I Am’. It gives Self-abidance
practice real juice, a wetness that Ramana-style self-
inquiry lacks. It leads to loving the apparently external
other with such passion and abandon that you lose the
small self, who just wants to surrender and die in that
Then comes the big surprise one day in a
recognition that the immense love and surrender you
feel is really you. It is your true nature, and the love
just flows and flows, coming from a directly perceived
Self that absorbs and swallows the small ‘I’, leaving
one living from the heart.
Now, some remarks on managing the processes.
Do not take these energies or sexuality too
seriously. All this stuff will pass. Just enjoy these
preparatory processes while they last. If your husband
or wife leaves you because you cannot pay enough
attention to them, so be it. They were not meant to
stay longer in your life. The same with your job:
maybe you were not meant to be a V.P. of finance or
Information Technology. Maybe you want a simpler
employment, or maybe you want to become a teacher
yourself by mastering all levels of the teachings, the

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