Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

But this often brings terror. “I have no clothes, no
security, no stability, what am I to do? I am frightened
and terrified. I need someone, something to hang on
to. I need the warmth of soft teachings and maybe a
father or mother figure as a teacher. I need to feel
safe.” This is the dilemma of the sincere student. He
comes looking for the Absolute and finds only that the
teacher wants him to become naked before God and
his own Self.
The teacher says, “I am here. I can take you, but
can you receive? Can you stay by me and walk into
Nothingness without all your clothes, books, and
concepts? Are you courageous enough to drop the
mind and tolerate the cold harshness of the world in
order to discover who you are?”
So few are! Robert knew this and dished out
Advaita concepts on Sundays and maybe deeper
concepts of no concepts on some Thursdays. He sold a
lot of spiritual clothes, because for some, that is all
they could take.
Even I failed with Robert. I failed to move to
Sedona to be with him through his last days. I was
terrified and even got deathly ill when I got close to
Sedona. My mind and my entire beingness rebelled
and failed me, the Self. I could not take Robert’s
cooking anymore, his “games,” his created situations,
and the lack of security I felt going there.

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