Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

to enter the unknown? Or like most, are you more
interested in the excitement of buying new clothes,
and shopping at the niche shops of Advaita, Sufism,
mystical Christianity, Taoism, Jainism, or being with an
energy guru?
Student Comment:
Thanks for this writing Ed. It promotes nothing, it
attacks nothing, it defends nothing, yet threatens
everything that my mind holds onto for security.
We are so addicted to learning that we think the
spiritual process is about learning 'spiritual' stuff;
acquiring a 'spiritual' wardrobe.And for a while we
think we look good, we are happy about our new attire
and the way it makes us feel. Hell, we even get a
whole new set of friends, a new language, new
teachers, new books, and new concepts to decorate
our already cluttered minds. The novelty is irresistible.
When will we tire of shopping? This is the core illness
that goes undetected. We are addicted to acquiring in
every realm. We want more, more, more. In
spirituality this addiction is known as ‘seeking’. We
have become professional seekers.
We are not interested in losing anything. Yet this is
the major message in all main religions. Jesus puts it
this way, “For whosoever shall lose his life for my sake
shall find it.” We are afraid of nakedness, afraid of

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