Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

and devotion. He felt utter humility and wanted
nothing more than to touch the guru's feet and
He said he took off all of his clothes and dropped
at Ramana's feet, totally surrendered; totally loving
and devoted.
At this point Robert said, "This is how you have to
be," as if the story was self-explanatory as to the need
for surrender.
Ramana supposedly either grabbed him or told him
to arise; I don't remember the story exactly and said, "I
have been waiting for you." I'll bet Ramana did not
specifically mean Robert, but he had been waiting for
any of the devotees that showed such devotion and
surrender, because these people, these devotees
already were close to God and felt the ecstasies of
being with the Infinite.

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