Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Jesus said something that concurs with this post.
He said, "How can you love God whom you cannot see,
if you can't love man whom you can see?"
Is he not inviting self discovery from the place of
one's own current reality?
Where does the differentiation between God and
man lie but in the mind?
It is my conviction that to Love, I mean to really
love with the desire to give yourself in every way you
possibly can, to surrender everything, to lose your self
in another, that in that Love, in that act of surrender,
one will find the totality of mystery, one's own SELF.
To drink of another as if they were your last drop
of water, to thirst for another with this
intensity...nothing will be hidden from the man who
does so.

Gopi, Ed's “favorite cat of all time”

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