Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

After a while the light began to fade away, and
there was no darkness. There was just a place
between light and darkness, the place beyond the
light. You can call it the void, but it was not just a
void. It was this pure awareness I always talk about. I
was aware that ‘I am that I am’. I was aware of the
whole universe at the same time. There was no time,
there was no space, there was just the ‘I Am’.
Then everything began to return to normal, so-to-
speak. And I was able to feel and understand that all
of the planets, the galaxies, the people, the trees, the
flowers on this earth, everything, were myriads of
energy, and I was in everything. I was the flower. I was
the sky. I was the people. The ‘I’ was everything.
Everything was the ‘I’. The word ‘I’ encompassed the
whole universe.
Now here's the point I am trying to make. I felt a
love, compassion, and humility, all at the same time
that was truly indescribable. It was not a love that you
are aware of.
Think of something that you really love, of
someone that you really love with all your heart.
Multiply this by a jillion million trillion, and you will
understand what I am talking about. This particular
love is like no thing that ever existed on this earth,
consciously. There is nothing you can compare it with.
It is beyond duality, beyond concepts, beyond words

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