Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

and thoughts. And since the ‘I’, which I was, was all-
pervading, there was no other place for anything else
to be.
There was no room for anything, because there
was no space, and no time. There was just the ‘I Am’,
ever present, self-existent. The love of everything was
the love of the self.
This is why, in scripture, it tells you to love your
brother, and your sister, to love everyone and
everything under all circumstances. This love could not
differentiate. It could not say, "You are good, so I love
you. You are bad, so I do not love you." Everything was
going on as myself. I realized I am the murderer, I am
the saint, I am the so-called evil on this earth, I am
the so-called goodness of this earth. Everything was
the self. And it was all a game. All of the energy
particles changed from one thing to another thing. But
the love never changed.
Another word for this love was compassion. There
was this fabulous fantastic compassion for everything;
for everything was the Self, the ‘I Am’. There was no
differentiation. There was not me, what you call me,
and those things. There was only one expression, and
that was consciousness.
Of course, I did not understand all these words at
that time.

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