Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

what the guru is, or should be, are shattered, and then
the really hard work begins.
This is the crux of the self-inquiry process. The
more we strip away our own resistances, the more
open and accepting of ourselves and the guru we are.
And then the intimacy we so seek with our teacher and
ultimately with our own Self is slowly revealed. We
can now taste the pure sense of ‘I Am’.
On a parallel thread, there are those who by
personality are “doers,” and gain recognition and
gratification through doing and controlling; while
others want to have nothing to do with this aspect of
Satsang. These others just want to work on
themselves and have nothing to do with organizing
Satsang. They just want to come in peace, sit near
the teacher, love the teacher, listen to his or her
words, internalize them and feel ecstasy with the
chanting and in meditation. It is these quiet people,
these more shy and introverted people who really
“progress” and work their way towards going free.
I am not saying the doers do not progress, for I was
a chief doer with Robert and such activities stood me
well over time; but the greatest progress happens
after you surrender the doing to God, to
consciousness. After three years with Robert, I
stopped initiating anything on my own and just waited

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