Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

someone who knows about it, it does not exist. It's
only when you put an end to knowing that you become
the Self. The Self has no shape, no form, and no
identity. It is no thing. Yet you are that. What are you
going to do about it?
Instead of abiding in it, when most of you walk out
this door you will start discussions and arguments. You
will start thinking about your outside world. You will
start thinking about your body, your material
happiness, or your material suffering. And you will be
back where you started.
What I am saying to you is that if you could only
learn to be quiet, in your mind; if your mind learns to
keep quiet, it will become weaker and weaker and you
will notice that all the actions you are doing, and all
the concepts you are talking about have absolutely
nothing to do with you.
Yet you will continue to do things, go places and
experience this so-called life; but you are doing
absolutely nothing. For there is no one left to do any
thing; there is no one left to get sick, there is no one
left to be healthy. There is no one left to be poor,
there is no one left to be rich. There is no one left to
possess anything and there is no one left not to possess

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