Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

There is just no one left, and this is what gives you
freedom. And the only way you can get to that place is
to keep quiet; to be silent.”
(Again, Robert is talking about the final state,
going beyond Turiya. According to the quotes from
Siddharameshwar that I have been posting, the ‘I Am’,
Turiya, Brahman, is the pure knowing state, and
eventually even knowledge has to go.
This is even after self-inquiry is finished. But, he
even says that his practice of silence: not traveling,
not reading, not discussing, can take you all the way.
In a sense, by remaining silent, just by looking within,
you are emulating the final state. You have to
remember that Robert here is not talking to advanced
students, but is really just talking like this to have
them turn their attention away from books, gurus and
travel, and to turn inwardly towards the Self of all.)
I just got an email from a friend and student saying
he is going to Nepal for 6 months to spend time in a
monastery in order to go “deep.” He plans on doing
this even now that his practice at home got better.
Part of his desire to travel was a breakup with his
fiance. He wrote:
“I am glad to tell you that my meditation sittings
are deepening again. This morning I was clearly aware
of a changing in the body awareness. My body felt like

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