Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

the result of a breakup of a romantic relationship with
all the loving energy of the ‘I Am,’ now no longer
having an external object, turning inward on its own
self. All the while the mind tells the person that it can
only be found in some exotic land, in some exotic
spiritual institution.
You can explore your inner world of visions,
energies, archetypes, emotions, “guided finds” also
known as impulses, listening to talks, having new
teachers, new experiences, etc., and what will you
have found? ONLY MORE OF THE SAME! Anything that
happens on the level of the body, or the mind, such as
knowledge, experiences such as love, sex,
psychedelics, drugs, and meditation experiences, are
just on the level of the body and mind.
There is no freedom here. There is only endless,
empty exploration which may seem exciting while you
are doing it, but after a dozen years of such seeking,
what will you do?
It is only by going deep into yourself that you will
find what you seek. Go deeper than the body, deeper
than the mind and thoughts, books, lectures and the
next guru, deeper into the Void and emptiness, and
deeper still into the ‘I Am’ experience. Go deeper into
YOU. You can do it alone, but it tends to get boring
because everyone wants to go too quickly without

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