Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

He had been wrapped in the spirituality of the
Theosophical Society and Jiddu Krishnamurti for 30
years. He had personally met all the guru/teachers
from Ramana, to complete impostures, and had had
his mind contaminated by all their contradictory
teachings for that entire time. To see who he really
was he had to shed all concepts given to him from
outside about who he was. He had to see himself
directly. In order for that to happen, all the concepts
had to be washed out of him. It was like a great
enema. All the concepts, ideas and idealization and
identities of himself as a man, Indian, scholar, etc.,
washed out of him, leaving him empty and constantly
transforming. Unfortunately, U.G. at the end had very
little heart.
A similar process began with me 20 years ago. I
could no longer read. The words just did not
penetrate. I lost interest in words as I read them
because they seemed so far removed from the world I
lived in. I saw all others were living in a network of
lies, pure bullshit that people accepted as true.
Even when I read Nisargadatta’s, I Am That, in
order to have something to talk about at Satsang,
more than half the time my eyes glaze over and my
brain refuses to let the words in, because they too are
bullshit. He talks about consciousness in motion,
consciousness at rest, awareness without content,

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