Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

pure awareness, and that he came into being when
Shakti and Prakritka had sort of a sexual union in his
imagination. Rarely does he talk about his inner state,
how he experiences his own life or the world.
But people are hungry for direction and certainty,
battered by millions of inconsistent concepts about
spirituality and the nature of humanity and the world.
What is real? What is not? Who really knows the
“Truth?” Therefore they seek the teachings of those
who appear to know.
Ramana is much, much worse. He never says
anything about his own inner condition, the way he
experiences anything. Instead he talks in generalities,
repeating something he read in the Ribbhu Gita about
God, consciousness or the Self.
When I read Ramana’s self account of his
awakening, I just have to laugh at his naiveté. He
stuck his fingers in his ears, held his breath, and
pretended he was dead, yet he still felt the full
brightness of his awareness, and, since he declared to
himself that his body was dead, still feeling
consciousness must mean he was beyond death. In
other words, he pretended he was dead, but still felt
alive, and concluded he was therefore always alive.
The Robert Adams I knew was aware that all
concepts were rubbish, but he used them to entertain

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