Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

people. He often said that. He would say, “I tell you
all these things because you like to hear them.” His
sangha liked to hear and argue about freedom of
choice versus predestination, karma, Turiya, Self,
consciousness, the Four Principles, etc.
People are always trying, either with mere
curiosity, or with desperation, to make their lives
better. Very few actually shut up and take a deep look
at their lives, the pain, the suffering, the fleeting
nature of all states and experiences. They run from
one self help book or teacher to another, or shop for
For Robert, the final answer was just silence. No
concepts, no understanding, and to be good for
nothing. But no one could hear that, so he talked
about karma, God, consciousness, unadulterated joy,
the Four Principles. Without these words, he would
have had few or maybe no one to talk to.
So, what about freedom? I am trying to get you to
a place where you are no longer asking “spiritual”
questions about karma, predestination, consciousness,
the Absolute, or how Nisargadatta relates to Ramana
who relates to Osho, or why what Edji said differs from
what Robert said, or what Rajiv or Deeya say. Are they
not from the same tree? Should they not all say
exactly the same thing as ultimate truth?

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