Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

I want you to stop looking at books, wandering
from guru to guru picking up concepts and teachings,
and instead just stop. Just stop and look inside and
start with what you know without a doubt.
Is there anything you know without a doubt? That
you exist? This is what the neo advaitins teach.
Without doubt you know that you exist.
Bullshit! Even that you do not know. Any concept
or conclusion is a lie of words. What does it mean to
say, “I exist?” What is this ‘I’ that I say exists? Is it
“beingness” as the neo-advaitins say? What the hell
then is beingness? Is it consciousness? What the hell is
consciousness and where did it come from? Is it
permanent or temporary, flowing or still or both?
Nisargadatta and Ramana talk about this kind of stuff
all the time. So did Western philosophers for hundreds
of years before they gave up in the 20th Century after
finding no agreement. In the 1950s, the final solution
of Western Philosophers about existence and
consciousness was epitomized in one sentence of
Ludwig Wittgenstein: Of that which we cannot know,
we must remain silent.
On the other hand, we have J. Krishnamurti, who
also said all gurus are talking bullshit and not to listen
to any of them and thousands of people followed him
as their guru. U.G. Krishnamurti went even further and
said not only have all your teachers since kindergarten

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