Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

acquiescence to the constant wars and violence
occurring not only in our own society, but in Africa and
the Middle East. Question the easy acceptance of the
brutality and corruption of Chinese society where you
hardly dare eat any food or medication coming out of
that country because it has probably been adulterated.
Look at the corruption of our own politicians who are
bought by the wealthy in terms of campaign
So, I tell you, what is it that you know without
doubt? If you look outside at the world, you see
corruption, violence, graft, lying politicos, slanted
newspaper coverage, death and poverty everywhere,
and everyone trying to sell you something, whether
clothes or a spiritual path.
Then, if you look inside, what do you see? Really,
what do you see, hear, feel and know? Can you know
anything with certainty? Who is the knower? Do you
know that? I mean really look inside beneath the layer
of thinking and emotional stories.
I assure you, if you try to verbalize any knowing
you might discover, it becomes a lie as soon as it
leaves your lips. Words cannot touch the “pure”
existence you see, hear, feel and touch. All
understanding is added onto that more basic

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