Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

that center, and the identification then is with the
totality of your experience.
This is where I am trying to take you, away from
“spirituality,” away from family, away from society,
away from Facebook into your own sense of presence,
and there find “truth” that cannot be expressed in
words, peace from resting in yourself instead of
rushing around outside or inside looking for something,
seeking something, because you know deep down that
no matter what you do or where you go, it is always
only you.
Yet, this will not happen without one more step.
You must learn how to love with all your heart, with all
your being, with complete passion, otherwise, just
living in emptiness will leave you living as a person
dead to the world, or absolutely no use to anyone, not
even yourself. This is a hard step for a Jnani, for
someone who has thrown away all concepts and
conditioning, because in their process, they usually
have thrown their passion and love away too.
So, as a teacher, this is my task, to help you shed
all concepts and at the same time, to love completely,
passionately and compassionately.

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