Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Confessions of a Bhakta

For those of you who do not like self-inquiry. Are
you ready for this path? The following is a letter from
one of our student family.
“I am a mess. I really am.
“I don't think to eat.
“I don't think to drink.
“I have no desire to do anything, not even the
things that really need to be done and are screaming
for my attention and will inevitably bring a shit load of
judgment and accusation from others.
I should really spend more time with these kids,
but I just can't make myself. I feel somewhat guilty.
But I know they are happy.
I seldom know what day of the week it is. I say
things and moments later I don't what I said.
I just want to sit in quiet and give my attention
fully to this love I feel for you and the myriad of ways
it plays in my body.
You are consuming my every thought.

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