Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

standing truly as nothing and with nothing in life since
several years.
The existential terror and fear that is
programmed into the cells of the human body, as well
as the mental and emotional attachments with it, will
have to be faced in order to truly live from and as
nothingness in daily life. As long as people remain
plugged into their lives with jobs, businesses,
retirement funds, homes, etc. where that 'security'
part of life is not deconstructed, this very base,
existential programming will never be seen, faced nor
rubbed out.
Am I getting this correctly?
And if it does not get touched, how truly free is
someone then, it maybe a knowing that someone has
but not an actual lived experience in all areas of
material life. Would you say this is correct?
I am really sincerely asking because am faced
with this complete deconstruction on all levels of
physical reality. Because of it, I am continually placed
in situations since 2006, where I see things that I never
would had I remained in a stable Western type
environment. I have been around people who say they
are awake - but their focus is on money, on their
financial and material stability, on how to keep their
jobs and their every day life together. Here, there is

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