Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

no such concern. That got completely wiped out in

  1. Wherever this body is moved that is where it
    goes and there is a complete knowingness that all will
    always be taken care of. I live with absolutely no
    money, no security, no stability - and I am 50 years old.
    How I live would give most people a heart attack.
    Even those who say they are awake.
    So what does awake really mean, when
    existential fears for one's safety and security are on
    the top of one's priority in actual lived daily life?
    Please help me understand this whole awakening
    and awake thing as I seem to be seeing something
    others do not talk about. I came at it from a whole
    other angle, having had no clue about awakening or
    enlightenment. Slowly, I am piecing things together on
    my own, through having read some awake people's
    writings, through many discussions with Dr. Michael
    Hall and of course, how life keeps moving through me.
    But I don't have a handle on it because how things are
    for me are so completely different from what all other
    awake people talk about. I keep being moved every
    three months to a new place. Just the other day, I
    saved someone from getting murdered. The stuff that
    I seem to be moved to be present for, witness and see
    in actual life, no awake person has any clue. It seems
    that life places this body into these situations,
    seemingly as a test to find out where programming is

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