Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

knower, even though there is an even higher Knower
behind it.
Those whose awakenings have not included Self-
knowing, Self-Realization, to my mind lack the
richness of love, devotion and surrender, which
ultimately is power. When the Self operates
consciously through you, each action carries far more
weight than actions by a body/mind which is not Self-
There are many paths where the Self is not a goal;
and to me they lack energy, charisma, and true
happiness. For example, most forms of Buddhism
emphasize No-Self, which usually is interpreted to
mean a personal self just letting “impersonal”
activities pour through one’s life; while for the Self-
realized, all activities are accepted, owned and loved
as one’s own.
Therefore spiritual efforts made along some other
path than Self-Realization can only make Self-
Realization more difficult.
So, at some point, somewhere along the line you
recognize that your spirituality is really about Self
discovery, and you also realize this is entirely personal;
no one can discover yourself for you, you have to do it

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